Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We need to see our kids again...

Well I have exciting trip to return to see our kids at the orphanage is finally set for May! The even more exciting news is that our 10-year-old, Malachi, is making the trip with me. He cannot wait to meet his siblings and Fran and I believe that as the oldest sibling in our house, he will be able to better prepare himself and his sister and brother here for their arrival in September. I will keep you posted on the progression of our trip. A group from TRS is traveling to the center in just a few weeks and even though we will not be there, it is a very big trip for us because someone will be sitting down with our kids to announce to them our intentions to adopt and bring them here. I cannot wait to hear how they react to the news that they have such a bright future in front of them. It is so exciting!!!!

In addition, I want to introduce a new group that I am involved in called Warm Hearts Group. You will be hearing more about this group because the mission of it is to raise awareness and funds for the orphans in our community as well as around the world (namely Sierra Leone). We hope to come along side TRS and help them fulfill their mission because we believe so strongly in the cause. Warm Hearts Group is an amazing group of people who are dedicated to helping me get my kids home as well as helping others fund raise for travel or their own adoption. You will be amazed at the fun events planned for 2010. We are currently developing the website so I will share it when it is done.

Lastly, I am asking that everyone please continue to pray for this adoption process. Sometimes when you feel like you are being hit with adversity that's when you know you are in the middle of God's will. Knowing that doesn't always make it any easier. Pray for our kids in Sierra Leone. Pray for our fundraising efforts to make all of this happen. Pray that to God be ALL of the glory. We know we CANNOT do this without HIM.

We love you all. Thank you for your love and support.


  1. Lori,

    I was just wandering your blog last night wondering what is going on with the adoption. I am so glad you posted. I will continue to pray for you and your family both here and in Sierra Leone. I am excited that you get to see them in May and I can't believe the process to adopt them should be done by September. Wow!! It is amazing.

    We are fully sponsoring a little boy at the covering named Joseph and our hearts are just full for him. I can't wait to see what your Warm Hearts Group is doing. I am starting an orphan, adoption, foster care ministry at my church and we are wanting to come alongside TRS too!!! This is just awesome!!!

    Out of curiosity: what adoption agency are you using since Sierra Leone isn't hague accredited. Whenever I have looked I can't find any agency that works in SL. You could respond here or email me at ctreasure at hotmail dot com.

    Thank you and God bless!


  2. Wow I am so excited to hear how sam, Betty, and Fallah react to the amazing news of you guys adopting them!!!! How exciting to go back to Sierra Leone in May!!! I am so excited to see a new video of Dauda and new pictures and all of the kids! I continue to pray for you all alot and that soon all of your kids will be home!

    Have a good evening!
    God BLess, Heidi
